Walking Tour On The Embankment Of Neva River

Walking Tour On The Embankment Of Neva River

Nevsky Prospect is the main avenue of St.-Petersburg running through the city center – from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway Station and then, after a slight kink, to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.


You will know about the rich history of Nevski prospect which was the beginning of the road to the ancient city of Novgorod. Since the 18-th century the road became adorned with beautiful buildings, squares, bridges and became the very center of the bustling, rapidly growing city.

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Important Information

Price Includes

  • Pick up / drop off  – your hotel
  • Guide
  • Transportation – by cab

Terms & Conditions

Prices are “from”, per person, based on group of 10 persons. Duration 3 hours.

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